St. Joseph Altar Society
St. Joseph Altar Society
How Does St. Joseph’s Altar Society Invest In Their Church Community? St. Joseph Altar Society donates $2000 per year to the church for use in purchasing altar supplies, and have purchased altar cloths, banners and vestments. They replace kitchen items and equipment as needed, and help support youth religious education, both through the CCD program and Totus Tuus.
In 2020 they partnered with Knights of Columbus and Youth Group to provide and serve a meal at The Banquet in Sioux Falls (cost of $500 to Altar Society). They currently donate for a minimum of three Masses each month, contribute to the Springs Bus which provides services for our parishioners, and donate to the Wessington Springs Food Pantry, the school’s Blue Bag/Backpack program, and WS Ministerial Association.
They have offered one-day retreats for members, and regularly discuss other possible ways to use some of the funds to enrich the spiritual lives of their parishioners…they encourage members to attend meetings and participate in these discussions and decisions.
Thank you St. Joseph Altar Society for all that you do!
For more information or to inquire about being a part of St. Joseph’s Altar Society, please contact: Janet Kolousek at 605-539-1324 or 605-730-1506 or email at [email protected]